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Why NAD+

It can be hard to keep up with all the new fads in the wellness world. Some come and go, but one powerful treatment that is here to stay is NAD+ IV therapy. This emerging nutrient IV therapy is a holistic, all-natural solution for those suffering from chronic disease and age-related health issues, and can boost overall wellness in healthy individuals.

What can it do

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+), metabolizes carbs, fats and amino acids and has

influential role in gene expression associated with disease as we age


This amazing co-enzyme crosses the blood brain barrier in order to improve:




Assists Cell Biogenesis

Neuro Protection

how IT works

When a person ingests a medication or vitamin orally, some of the active ingredients and nutrients don’t make it to where they are needed most and are lost to the digestive system. When taken intravenously, infusions of NAD+ bypass the digestive system altogether and are delivered directly to your body’s cells for better absorption. This allows you to feel the effects quicker and jumpstart your body’s healing.



NAD+ therapy has benefits for everyone. As you read in the list above, it can be a helpful treatment for those feeling sluggish or always seem to be trapped in a fog. People experiencing low energy and slow metabolism are excellent candidates for therapy. But NAD+ can also be used by those looking for overall performance enhancing benefits in athletic training and exercise. Research has shown that intense exercises decrease NAD+ levels, but when that level is replenished, individuals experienced better performance and greater endurance.


Those who suffer from chronic conditions may also find relief and the lessening of symptoms with NAD+ therapy. Conditions that may benefit from the therapy include:


Post/Long Covid, Vaccine injury, Cannabinoid Hyperemesis, Brain Fog, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Fibromyalgia, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Autoimmune Disorders and much more....


Research is also being conducted on NAD+ IV as a form of addiction therapy, and studies are showing promising results. Just to clarify, the therapy is not a cure for any form of addiction, but it can aid in healing the brain on the cellular level, giving individuals a better chance at long term recovery. Experts have also noted the ability of NAD+ to reduce cravings and minimize withdrawal symptoms.

Balanced Objects
 Infusion bag in the blue background. IV drip chamber.jpg

NAD+ Infusions

We offer different doses of NAD+ infusions based on diagnosis

  • 250mg Cosmetic

  • 500mg Therapeutic

  • High-dose Individual

Vials with medication and syringe on white methacrylate table with window background. Hori

NAD+ Injections

We offer two types of non-lyophilized NAD+ Injections

  • Intra-Muscular 1/week

  • Subcutaneous every 3/days

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